Atlanta Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

A traumatic brain injury may not always manifest itself as physically or openly as other severe injuries. However, the impact of a TBI on people mentally and emotionally can be significantly and permanently disabling. If you or a loved one has sustained a TBI due to an accident caused by negligence, you may want to contact an Atlanta traumatic brain injury lawyer for information and advice.

The impact of a traumatic brain injury can destroy relationships, families, and careers. Although TBI victims eventually may see some improvement in their symptoms, they still are likely to experience some deficits that they did not possess before their accidents occurred. An injury attorney may be able to help these individuals evaluate the losses that they have suffered as a result of their TBIs and work toward getting compensation from those responsible parties.

Accidents Leading to Traumatic Brain Injuries

While most people quickly recover from concussions, traumatic brain injuries typically are far more severe and permanent. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, assaults, and other types of trauma can all lead to traumatic brain injuries. When the root cause of these incidents stems from the negligence of others, you may be able to pursue personal injury claims against the negligent parties.

This type of injury can severely compromise your ability to work, attend school, and even interact with others. Although some traumatic brain injuries result in only mild symptoms that may improve over time, some TBI victims will never regain their cognitive losses.

In the most extreme cases, you could require assistance with daily activities necessary to care for yourself or even necessitate long-term care. This situation can be emotionally devastating for you and your family, and it can lead to expensive ongoing healthcare expenses coupled with a substantial loss in income. In this situation, consulting a local attorney following a traumatic brain injury may be wise.

Potential Compensation in Traumatic Brain Injury Claims

Brain injuries may require hospitalization for a protracted period and long-term care, which is extremely expensive. Other potential medical costs stemming from a personal injury claim for a TBI can include ongoing rehabilitation expenses, medical assistive devices, and cognitive therapies.

If you are never able to return to work, you may suffer a loss of current and future income, which devastates you and your family financially. Children may lose invaluable parental guidance, and spouses may lose their relationships due to the changes that traumatic brain injuries may cause. Your loss of quality of life may be another source of damages, especially if the injury requires significant changes in lifestyle.

Statutes of Limitation in TBI Cases

All lawsuits have deadlines or timelines for filing under state law. While these deadlines or statutes of limitations vary from one state to the next, injury victims generally have two years from the date of their accidents in which to file their personal injury claims under O.C.G.A. § 9-3-33. Failure to heed this statute of limitations can lead to a dismissal of personal injury claims.

While two years may seem like more than adequate time to bring a claim, it often takes a significant amount of time for you to stabilize after your injuries and achieve maximum medical improvement. As a result, settling a claim prematurely can result in an inadequate amount of compensation.

Work with an Atlanta Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

No two brain injuries have the same effects on people, but the likelihood of needing extensive medical and rehabilitative care is high. You may have a claim for damages when you or a family member suffers a traumatic brain injury due to the careless actions of others. You can look to an Atlanta traumatic brain injury lawyer for the guidance that you need in this challenging situation.

By allowing your legal advocate to take on the insurance company and related financial and legal matters, you can focus your energy on your physical and mental recovery from the accident. Together, you may be able to get much-needed compensation in your time of loss.