Mableton Burn Injury Lawyer

Burn injuries are the most painful injuries you can suffer. Even minor burns can be painful. Many people don’t consider burn injuries when they think about personal injury lawsuits. However, burn injuries are very common. Every year, 450,000 Americans suffer burn injuries. Sadly, over 3,500 people die from these injuries. Many of these deaths are caused by house fires. The rest are caused by explosions, electrical accidents, and car accidents. A lot of these accidents were preventable. If you have suffered a burn injury in Georgia, you need to contact a Mableton burn injury lawyer.

Most people recover from their burn injuries. In fact, over 95% of burn victims survive. Burn injuries often require surgery and long-term medical treatment. They may lead to disability or even death. An experienced catastrophic injury attorney will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

Mableton Burn Injury Attorneys Handle All Types of Burn Cases

Not all burns are caused by house or car fires. They can be caused by all sorts of accidents. Generally, there are three main causes of burn injuries:

  • Touching something that is extremely hot
  • Being consumed by fire or flames
  • Being scalded by hot liquids

All burn injuries are very painful. Depending on how severe your burn injuries are, you may require medical treatment. Mableton, GA burn injuries lawyers will always insist you get medical treatment following an accident. You have no idea how serious your injuries are. You need a medical professional to look at them.

There are many kinds of burns. A burn injury lawyer has experience handling all types of burns. The most common types of burns include:

  • Chemical burns – You sustain a chemical by coming into contact with certain substances. Chemical burns can happen anywhere – at school, work or even at a vacation resort. The following chemicals commonly cause burns:
    • Chlorine
    • Bleach
    • Battery acid
    • Ammonia
    • Strong cleaners
  • Electrical burns – Unless you are a licensed electrician, you may not know the safe way to handle electrical wires. Our bodies aren’t equipped to handle this type of exposure. A lot of burns are caused by live extension cords. If you touch an extension cord at a point where the wire is exposed, you can sustain a painful burn. Because there is no way to see how bad the burn is, it’s always important to seek medical treatment.
  • Friction burns – This is a type of burn that is common in car accidents, bicycle accidents, and motorcycle accidents. When your body is dragged across the ground, you suffer friction burns. They can be minor or they can be serious.
  • Radiation burns – Medical personnel and cancer patients are often the victims of radiation burns. They are caused by exposure to excessive radiation.

If you or a loved one have suffered a burn injury, you need a Mableton burn injury lawyer. Your burn injuries lawyer will review your case and ensure that the people responsible are brought to justice.

Your Mableton Burn Injury Attorney Will Get You Compensated for Your Burn Injuries

All Mableton, GA burn injury attorneys will advise you to seek medical treatment for your burn injuries. Even if you’re told there isn’t anything doctors can do to treat your burns, you need to go. For one thing, you need to make sure you are okay. Let a doctor determine how serious your injuries are. Furthermore, you need to document your injuries for legal reasons. If the defendant or insurance company claims you were not injured, you want to have this proof. Your burn injury lawyer relies on this proof when trying to settle your case.

Burns are broken down by degree. The higher the degree, the more serious the burn. A doctor will order treatment based on the degree of your burns. The degrees of burn injuries are as follows:

  • First-degree burns – First-degree burns only affect your epidermis. This is the outer layer of the skin. These burns often heal naturally within a week. Sunburn is a type of first-degree burn. You may sustain this type of injury in a commercial tanning bed. If you are injured at a tanning salon, call a Mableton burn injury attorney immediately. Have a friend take photos so you have documentation of your injuries.
  • Second-degree burns – These affect the outer layer of skin and the layer right beneath it. Most second-degree burns require skin grafts. This is a type of treatment where skin is taken from a healthy part of your body. It is then used to cover up the affected area.
  • Third-degree burns – This is the most serious type of burn. Third-degree burns actually burn all the way down to your muscles and tissue. They require many skin grafts. Third-degree burns can take quite some time to heal. They are often caused by car accidents and house fires. People who die from burn injuries usually suffer this type of burn.

Your Burn Injuries Lawyer Will Fight to Get You the Damages You Deserve

If you’ve been injured in a fire or accident, your burn injuries lawyer will demand damages from the defendant. If your burn is only minor, you may not have missed more than a few days from work. Your medical bills are probably low. You cannot expect to get a ton of money for a minor burn injury. However, if you’ve sustained serious burn injuries, you should be entitled to significant damages. Your Mableton burn injury lawyer will fight to get you the money you deserve.

What type of damages are burn victims entitled to?

  • Medical bills – You are entitled to compensation for all medical bills related to your accident. This includes past, present and future medical bills.
  • Lost wages – Regardless of how much time you missed from work, you are entitled to be compensated for it. Your burn injury lawyer will introduce evidence showing that you have lost wages due to your burn injuries.
  • Pain and suffering – Georgia is a state that recognizes pain and suffering damages. This means your burn injury lawyer will insist you be compensated for your pain and suffering.
  • Permanent disability – If you sustain very serious burns, you may end up permanently disabled. If you can no longer work because of your injuries, your burn injuries lawyer will demand you receive ample compensation.
  • Facial disfigurement – Many burn accidents cause you to sustain injuries to your face. These injuries can be extremely painful. They can also cause a lot of anxiety about the way you look. We all have our own identity and this identity is threatened when we have burn scars on our face. You are entitled to fair compensation for any facial disfigurement you suffer.

Your burn injury lawyer knows what it takes to prove your damages. He will introduce your medical records and proof of damages as evidence. He will try to get the insurance company to settle your claim. If they are unwilling to do this, your burn injuries lawyer will have no choice but to take legal action.

If Your Child Suffers a Burn Injury, You Need to Contact a Burn Injury Lawyer

Nobody ever wants to think about their child suffering a burn injury. Unfortunately, over 100,000 children are brought into emergency rooms every year with burn injuries. Many of these are the result of scalding accidents. Children are naturally curious. They like to climb on things and grab objects. They may pull a pot of boiling water down on themselves. Or they may put their hand into liquid that is extremely hot. If your child is injured in a burn accident, you must take him to the hospital right away. Very young kids can’t tell us when they are in pain. You don’t want to take any chances.

Nobody wants to imagine that their child could get burned. We don’t want to think of our kids getting hurt at all! Unfortunately, this is the real world and accidents happen. There are some staggering statistics regarding children’s burn injuries:

  • Fires are the 5th leading cause of death in children in our country
  • 75% of scalding accidents involving children are preventable
  • Children and toddlers are burned by scalding more than any other type of injury
  • Hot tap water injures more children than any other liquid
  • 85% of children under 4-years-old who go to hospital for burn injuries sustained scalding injuries

If your baby was injured while in another person’s care, you need to call a Mableton burn injury lawyer immediately. The incident may have taken place at a daycare center or pre-school. Your burn injuries lawyer will have to file a negligence claim against the facility on behalf of your child. If this happens, you want to focus your time on your child’s recovery and not on legal issues.

Your Burn Injury Lawyer Must Prove Negligence in Your Burn Injury Case

Even if your child has been burned, this doesn’t automatically mean you should file a lawsuit. Your legal claim is only valid if someone’s negligence is responsible for the injuries. Your burn injury lawyer must demonstrate the four elements of negligence he must prove for all personal injury cases. These are:

  • The defendant owed you or your child a duty of care
  • They breached this duty
  • You were injured
  • Your injuries were directly caused by the defendant’s acts

It’s relatively easy to prove causation in burn cases. What’s difficult for your Mableton burn injury lawyer is proving that the accident was the defendant’s fault. There are all kinds of things that can contribute to an accident. Your Mableton, GA burn injury attorney must prove that the defendant was negligent and that this negligence caused your injuries.

There are situations where a Mableton, GA burn injury attorney can easily demonstrate that the defendant was negligent:

  • The pre-school or daycare worker left a pot of boiling soup on a table. Your child poured it on themselves.
  • The school has an electric stove that was low enough for a child to touch.
  • The babysitter bathed your toddler in tap water that was extremely hot.
  • The babysitter allowed electricians to do their work with your child and other children present.

Your burn injuries lawyer will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. He will communicate with the defendant’s lawyer or insurance adjuster to negotiate a fair settlement of your claim.

Contact a Mableton Burn Injury Attorney Today

If you or a loved one have suffered a burn injury, contact a Mableton burn injury lawyer today. You need to stand by your child and oversee their recovery. You want to be able to rely on an experienced professional to deal with the insurance company and lawyers. You can bet the insurance company has attorneys working for them. You need to do the same.

If your Mableton Georgia injury lawyer has to file a suit, you will have a limited timeframe to do so. Because of Georgia’s statute of limitations, you have two years from the date of your injuries to file the suit. This is why it’s important to contact a burn injury lawyer immediately so you can schedule your free initial consultation. You will meet with an experienced lawyer who can review your case. They will let you know how much it may be worth. The consultation is free and you pay nothing until you win your case!