Smyrna Defective Products Lawyer

The purpose of every business is to make profits for the owners. Companies that function by making consumer products have an obligation under the law to do this safely. This includes not putting objects on the market that threaten the well-being of consumers.

Even with this concept in mind, not every injury resulting from using a defective product can be the basis for a lawsuit. Injured people must show that either a faulty design or a manufacturing error left a product in an unsafe condition. Additionally, they must show that their own errors were not the cause of the incident. Fortunately, a personal injury attorney can help.

A Smyrna defective products lawyer could help individuals who have suffered injuries after using a consumer product. This includes explaining the relevant laws, gathering evidence concerning the incident, measuring losses, and demanding fair payments from at-fault manufacturers.

Claims that Center Around Manufacturing Defects

State law offers people who suffer injuries because of defective products two ways to prove their cases. The first is demonstrating that an error occurred in the manufacturing process that left an otherwise safe item unfit for consumer use. These events can occur as the result of a miscalibration of a machine, breakdowns in quality assurance, or damage that occurs during packaging.

When pursuing this route to recovery, a maker could hold liability for the faulty product. This is possible when:

  • The defendant made the product,
  • The product’s defective condition caused an injury, and
  • The product was defective when it left the control of the maker

Another option is to argue that the maker was negligent in failing to provide instructions for proper use. This can include a lack of warning labels or inadequate instruction manuals. A dedicated lawyer familiar with product liability could help you pursue your Smyrna claim based on the concept of manufacturing error.

Demanding Compensation Due to a Design Fault

The other main path towards compensation is to demonstrate that a manufacturer’s design was inherently dangerous. Much like in cases that center around a manufacturing error, the makers of products may be strictly liable for an injury using the above criteria.

However, to prove that a design was faulty, it may be necessary to enlist the help of a design expert. That expert can testify as to why a design resulted in a dangerous product and offer alternatives that could have helped to prevent a serious injury.

A final piece of the puzzle in any defective product case is the time limit to pursue compensation. Known as the statute of limitations, O.C.G.A. §9-3-33 gives most people no more than two years from the day of the injury to demand payment for their losses. A skilled attorney in Smyrna could help to prove the product had a defective design and help you pursue a case within the applicable time limits.

A Smyrna Defective Products Attorney Can Help You Seek Compensation

The manufacturers of consumer products have an obligation under the law to keep their customers safe. This includes ensuring an accurate manufacturing process that meets specifications and drafting designs that do not result in unduly dangerous items. Sadly, many manufacturers fail in this duty, and injuries result.

A Smyrna defective products lawyer wants to help you to collect the compensation that you need to set things right. This can include covering the cost of medical bills, compensation for lost quality of life, and even reimbursement for lost wages. There is a precise time limit to pursue these cases, and proving manufacturer fault for a dangerous product can be a complex process. Reach out today to see how our product liability attorneys can help you.